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Don't miss the wide range of whisky, Champagne and Spirits offers always available at The Whisky Exchange. There are plenty of savings to get stuck into and find a new favourite, an old classic or something you've been pining for for a long time. They update their offers regularly so make sure to keep checking to find your money-saving deals and free gifts.

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The Whisky Exchange

The Whisky Exchange

Created in 1999, The Whisky Exchange is now the Internet’s No.1 specialist retailer of whisky and spirits. The brand won a few awards and was received a few prestigious titles such as the Independent Spirits Retailer of the Year (Drinks Retailing Awards 2011) and Whisky Magazine’s Online Retailer of the Year (Icons of Whisky 2011).

They stock over 2,500 whiskies from all over the world, 275 rums, 200 vodkas, 300 Cognacs/Armagnacs, 100 gins, 120 tequilas and 400 specialist liqueurs. So if you are looking for spirits, you are at the right place! In addition to all this wide range, they also offer some Champagnes and fortified wines.


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