Waitrose Cellar Black Friday Wines
Save 25% on quality wine at Wine Supermarket of the Year!
Waitrose Cellar have everyone's favourite offer for Black Friday with "Buy 6, Save 25% up for grabs, allowing you to save whilst you stock up for the festive season. Whether hosting or being hosted this year, or just having a nice one with the immediate family, you'll want to make sure you have something to enjoy and celebrate with!
Waitrose have the best (in our opinion) English Sparkling Wine range of all the supermarkets which is perfect for celebrating with a bit of British home-grown goodness. That said, they also have some rather delicious Champagne and Prosecco chocies too. It's up to you how you celebrate!
Below, I've put a mix of my top 6 wines that I'll be putting in my basket for Christmas. But remember, you can add more than 6 if you want to and still get the discount. Enjoy their Black Friday Prices!