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French Wine insights

French Wine Insights

We wanted to explore what UK consumers think about French Wine and what their buying habits are. We ran two surveys, the first in 2014 and then second in 2019 – and we have been able to compare and present the results for you here:

  • The amount of women who took part in this survey has changed significantly since 2014, with 58% taking part compared to 37% in 2014.
  • Most wine drinkers don’t drink French wine because they prefer wines from other countries (mostly New World) or they think French wines are too expensive.
  • Most French wine drinkers buy French wines fairly regularly: more than once every three months and more than once a month.
  • 97% of people like to choose their own wines instead of buying pre-mixed cases.
  • There has been a decrease in the number of people who only buy wine on discount, from 41% (2014) to 25% (2019).
  • In 2014, 54% of people would only spend up to £8 on French wine, this has now decreased to 34%.
  • Similarly, there has been a 21% increase in those who are willing to spend more (between £8 -£14), 56% now compared with 35% in 2014.
  • All of these trends suggest people are now happier to spend more money on French wine than they were 5 years ago.
  • In 2014, French wine drinkers mostly bought red and white wine and their favourite region seems to be Bordeaux, followed by Burgundy. In 2019, Bordeaux still comes out on top, followed by Champagne.
  • They mostly drink supermarket brands even though the figures show no big difference. That means French drinkers might not really care about brand but rather about the origin of the wine.
  • As for the previous survey, we can see the most important criteria when buying wine are the taste and the price. These two are followed by the origin of the wine.
  • We included ‘Added sugar’ and ‘Alcohol content in the 2019 survey as we feel these are hot topics. Mainly due to an increase in promotion of healthy lifestyles in the media. Alcohol content was deemed more important than sugar content.
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